[ posted and mailed ]
On Thursday, 12 September 2013 14:05 -0700,
Post by a***@gmail.comThis five IP address assigned my cloud server. Only using from me for my customers.
For the sake of this discussion, I'll assume that you are assigned, eight (8) IPv4 addresses, - The addresses at either end of the CIDR are unusable
for hosted services, as they are used for things like broadcast and
gateway fuctions.
$ fast-rdns.pl
Now working on:
# Stepping through every 1 IPs (ERROR:) (ERROR:) srv35.abtizmir.com srv35.abtizmir.com srv35.abtizmir.com srv35.abtizmir.com srv35.abtizmir.com (ERROR:)
# Took 1 seconds to scan with stepsize 1
Post by a***@gmail.comApews L2 record from 24.02.2012. I dont understand how to recorded.
Because I sold this IP's on 01.06.2012. When I check for
blacklisting my IP's on date 01.06.2012, these IP's not listed any
spam checker org. Then a when day my IP's list in L2 APEWS list.
APEWS[spit] is not a reactive DNSbl. It appears their policies are
intended to be preemptive and persistent. APEWS lists approximately
50% of all routable IPv4 space, sometimes referred to as the worse
half of the Internet. Let's take a look at the APEWS record, within
which "your" /29 is listed.
APEWS.ORG Databasetest
Oooops is currently listed in APEWS :-(
Entry matching your Query: E-510709
CASE: C-131
Unallocated CIDR, no traffic until allocated,
or allocated to bad reputation provider
or allocated but dynamic / generically named IPs,
or bogons, see www.cidr-report.org,
or orphaned IP / CIDR in routing table
Entry created 2012-02-24
In this case, the listed entry is not you, your IP addresses, nor your
customers', regardless of any recent security breaches your network
has suffered. Multiple networks, across Europe, are included in this
Post by a***@gmail.comHowover i checked for spamming and any security reason and php
mailing scripts etc. Finally my server is clear about hacking for
spamming, now.
That's good to know, but is unlikely to affect this APEWS record.
Post by a***@gmail.comMy IP's apews record about ?? If i want to have a
clear system, should i buy entire network address like
255x255=65025! it's to expensive for me and my customer!
As you note, is the listed entity, - Your math, however, is off.
The listing actually encompasses 65,536 * 16 = 1,048,576 IPv4
addresses, widely distributed within RIPE's allocation. As
allocations and sub-allocations involve networks throughout Europe,
there is simply no way to address such an overly broad DNSbl record.
It's but one reason no respectabled mail administrator would ever use
APEWS for the purpose of binary blocking of SMTP traffic.
Post by a***@gmail.comI hate spamming all around the world and i was never a cash from
spamming. It's may only my systems hacked. And we work around this
problem and fixed it.
It's only a problem, if it is impacting your ability to successfully
deliver email. If this is the case, please provide SMTP log entries
or full bounce notification, which specifically state that any
blocking is specifically due to any APEWS record. If you are not
seeing these, and cannot share them, you're best course of action is
to ignore this listing and get on with your life.
Post by a***@gmail.comIf any apews admin or manager help me, i'll be very grateful. I
promise for securing my system for spam hacking.
Don't hold your breath. No APEWS admin or APEWS representative has
ever posted to any Usenet forum. In other words, it's not going to
Also see:
Good luck.
- --
David Ritz <***@mindspring.com>
Be kind to animals; kiss a shark.