Archimedes Plutonium
2012-05-04 03:19:23 UTC
Remove forgery and pull plug on forger and looking for a lawyer to tie
up the forger.
up the forger.
es of physics and each one of
them is a Coulomb force. The Strong Nuclear is coulomb as a chemical
bond of proton to neutron. The Weak Nuclear is a coulomb as the
rendering apart of the chemical bond of proton to neutron.
The force of gravity is a coulomb as the weakest chemical bond. The
strongest EM-gravity is solid body rotation, and a weaker form of EM-
gravity is gravitationally-bound but not solid-body-rotation.
The planets are gravitationally bound to the Sun but not rigid body
rotation bound. On the other hand, the EM-gravity of the Rings and
Saturn is the strongest EM-gravity.
EM-gravity is proportional to mass.
map as the Saturn Ring? Would they map as a spherical cloud like the
Oort cloud?
Now we have Huchra and Geller and recently Juric and Jarrett trying
find an answer to how the galaxies map in the Cosmic skies.
I wrote previously that if the mapping shows just one cosmic rotation
of galaxies is enough evidence to dismiss the Big Bang as a fake
theory and to acknowledge the truth of theBut now, how would the
galaxies mapp in a Cosmos of EM-gravity? Would they map
as the planets inTotality theory. A big
bang explosion cannot have a cosmic rotation of matter. But when the
Maxwell Equations are the axioms of all of physics, then a rotation
galaxies on a cosmic scale is demanded.
Now Jarrett does find a planh a manh, a canhal, the Sun as a sort of
nucleus? Would they Atom a cosmic rotation but falls shy of
> > The third layer (0.01 < z < 0.02) is dominated by the P-P
> > (left side of image) and the P-I supercluster extending up into
> > ZoA terminating as the suggesting that if we
mapp the galaxies without any redshift, but rather instead by
luminosity and whether faintGreat Attractor region (notably Abell
> > disappears behind a wall of Milky Way stars. An intriguing
> > chain of galaxies seems to circle/extend from the northern to
> > southern Galactic hemisphere (see also Figure 1). It is unknown
> > whether this ring-like structure is physically associated with
> > cosmic web or an artifact of projection.
> > --- end quoting ---
But I want to go even further, much further, by of crisp images as a
distance. This would
mean that quasars are much closer to Earth if they are galaxies, but
most of them are probably stars embedded in nearby galaxies.
If Jarrett and Juric were to map according to only luminosity tests
distance, then I reckon what emerges is a lot of rotation of
Would what emerges be a Ring like structure of solid body rotation of
galaxies like Saturn's ring? Or would a Cosmic Ecliptic Plane emerge
where we have clusters of galaxies revolving around a center core,
much like the planets revolving around the Sun. Or would we see a
Cloud structure where galaxies are revolving in a spherical
I do not know. The Maxwell Equations hint that a globular sphere like
the Oort cloud
would be the pattern. The Dirac Equation hints that a elongated
elliptical (sausage shaped) pattern should emerge. If we look at
Jarrett's third layer, it hints that the
galaxies form planes of ecliptic like a planet revolving around the
So I hope what happens is that the mappers of the galaxies, pay less
attention to the reshift and pay more attention to distance reckoning
from luminosity. If clear and crisp
images, then closer to Earth, and if faint images, further away.
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies
them is a Coulomb force. The Strong Nuclear is coulomb as a chemical
bond of proton to neutron. The Weak Nuclear is a coulomb as the
rendering apart of the chemical bond of proton to neutron.
The force of gravity is a coulomb as the weakest chemical bond. The
strongest EM-gravity is solid body rotation, and a weaker form of EM-
gravity is gravitationally-bound but not solid-body-rotation.
The planets are gravitationally bound to the Sun but not rigid body
rotation bound. On the other hand, the EM-gravity of the Rings and
Saturn is the strongest EM-gravity.
EM-gravity is proportional to mass.
map as the Saturn Ring? Would they map as a spherical cloud like the
Oort cloud?
Now we have Huchra and Geller and recently Juric and Jarrett trying
find an answer to how the galaxies map in the Cosmic skies.
I wrote previously that if the mapping shows just one cosmic rotation
of galaxies is enough evidence to dismiss the Big Bang as a fake
theory and to acknowledge the truth of theBut now, how would the
galaxies mapp in a Cosmos of EM-gravity? Would they map
as the planets inTotality theory. A big
bang explosion cannot have a cosmic rotation of matter. But when the
Maxwell Equations are the axioms of all of physics, then a rotation
galaxies on a cosmic scale is demanded.
Now Jarrett does find a planh a manh, a canhal, the Sun as a sort of
nucleus? Would they Atom a cosmic rotation but falls shy of
--- quoting ---
> >> > The third layer (0.01 < z < 0.02) is dominated by the P-P
> > (left side of image) and the P-I supercluster extending up into
> > ZoA terminating as the suggesting that if we
mapp the galaxies without any redshift, but rather instead by
luminosity and whether faintGreat Attractor region (notably Abell
> > disappears behind a wall of Milky Way stars. An intriguing
> > chain of galaxies seems to circle/extend from the northern to
> > southern Galactic hemisphere (see also Figure 1). It is unknown
> > whether this ring-like structure is physically associated with
> > cosmic web or an artifact of projection.
> > --- end quoting ---
But I want to go even further, much further, by of crisp images as a
distance. This would
mean that quasars are much closer to Earth if they are galaxies, but
most of them are probably stars embedded in nearby galaxies.
If Jarrett and Juric were to map according to only luminosity tests
distance, then I reckon what emerges is a lot of rotation of
Would what emerges be a Ring like structure of solid body rotation of
galaxies like Saturn's ring? Or would a Cosmic Ecliptic Plane emerge
where we have clusters of galaxies revolving around a center core,
much like the planets revolving around the Sun. Or would we see a
Cloud structure where galaxies are revolving in a spherical
I do not know. The Maxwell Equations hint that a globular sphere like
the Oort cloud
would be the pattern. The Dirac Equation hints that a elongated
elliptical (sausage shaped) pattern should emerge. If we look at
Jarrett's third layer, it hints that the
galaxies form planes of ecliptic like a planet revolving around the
So I hope what happens is that the mappers of the galaxies, pay less
attention to the reshift and pay more attention to distance reckoning
from luminosity. If clear and crisp
images, then closer to Earth, and if faint images, further away.
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies